Mastering Mono-White-Humans : A Comprehensive Guide to a Resplendent Cathar Deck

Deck Overview

Deck Name: Mono White Winnie
Tournament Success: Semifinals SEA Regional Championship
Strategy: Beatdown and disrupt

Strategy and Gameplay

This mono-white deck is built around synergy, resilience, and building a powerful board presence. The primary strategy revolves around Adeline, Resplendent Cathar, and creating a massive army of creatures through Thalia's Lieutenant and Recruitment Officer.

Early Game: You want to establish an early presence with low-cost creatures like Hopeful Initiate, Dauntless Bodyguard, and Kytheon, Hero of Akros. Thalia, Guardian of Thraben makes it difficult for your opponents to cast non-creature spells, disrupting their plans.

Mid-Game: Play creatures like Thalia's Lieutenant and Thalia, Guardian of Thraben to bolster your board presence. Adeline, Resplendent Cathar is a game-changer in this deck, as she creates additional creatures every time a creature you control dies. With Ossification and Castle Ardenvale, you can keep your creatures alive while churning out even more tokens.


Late Game: Once you've established a solid board, you can activate Mutavault to turn it into a creature and pump it up with Thalia's Lieutenant. Knight-Errant of Eos can help fetch more creatures from your deck to reinforce your army.


Protection: Brave the Elements can be used offensively or defensively. It can grant your creatures protection from a chosen color, making them nearly invulnerable to certain threats or helping you push through with a lethal attack.

Sideboarding Guide

Your sideboard is crucial for adapting to different matchups. Here are some tips on when to bring in specific cards:


Brutal Cathar: Against decks with aggro strategy.


Destroy Evil: For removal against black decks or those with problematic enchantments.


Declaration in Stone: Great against token-heavy strategies or decks with pesky creatures.


Portable Hole: Versatile removal for a wide range of threats.


Reidane, God of the Worthy: Use it against decks that rely high value casting cost.


Rest in Peace: Against graveyard-based decks or combo that utilizes graveyard.


Wedding Announcement: Excellent against control or Midrange decks, giving you consistent threats and a better chance to stabilize.


Match Specific Sideboard Guide:

Tips and Tricks

Early Creature Deployment: Prioritize getting a creature down on turn 1 whenever possible. This sets the stage for a strong, aggressive start and puts pressure on your opponent from the beginning.


Curving Out is Key: Focus on curving out efficiently. Playing two 1-drop creatures on turn 2 is often better than playing a single 2-drop. Adeline, Resplendent Cathar is usually the ideal turn 3 play for maximum token generation.


Exploit Eos: Knight-Errant of Eos can break parity when played smartly. Convoke 2 is often sufficient, and curving out with Eos (convoke 2) on turn 3 can significantly boost your overall damage output, especially if you have lords like Thalia's Lieutenant on the field.


Lieutenant vs. Coppercoat: When deciding which creature to play first, prioritize Thalia's Lieutenant over Coppercoat Vanguard unless you specifically need the ward effect from Coppercoat. Boosting your creatures' power is crucial for maximizing damage.


Mana Management: Ensure your starting hand includes at least 2 lands, with one of them being a Plains. Begin playing Mutavaults as early as possible to diversify your creature base. By turn 3, aim to have access to 2 white sources so you can reliably cast Adeline.


One-Land Hands: Consider keeping a one-land hand only when you're on the play and have at least 2 1-drops in hand. This high-risk, high-reward scenario can provide a blistering start if you draw into more lands quickly.


Adeline's 1/1 Humans: Keep in mind that the 1/1 Human tokens created by Adeline do not count as "declared attackers." This is crucial for Wedding Announcement end-of-turn triggers and Kytheon, Hero of Akros's transformation condition.


Strategic Eiganjo Use: Delay playing Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire until it can be used for removal. Prioritize reaching 3 lands, or ideally 5 with a Castle Ardenvale, before deploying Eiganjo. This allows you to protect key creatures or eliminate threats as needed.


By mastering the synergy of this mono-white deck, you'll be able to out maneuver opponents and create an overwhelming army of resilient creatures led by Adeline, Resplendent Cathar. Good luck on your journey to victory in Magic: The Gathering!


Special Thanks to - Paolo Achacoso - 
The guide is mostly taken from Team CDO's preparation in going to SEA Championship [Singapore]


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